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Letitia Swardt


Treatment Details:

Age at the time of intervention:58

Treatment centre:Mater Hospital, Dublin

Date of intervention:Feb 01, 2021

Life Before Zephyr® Endobronchial Valves:

I’m an independent, outdoorsy person with a happy disposition. Before I became unwell, I always worked. At first in admin and secretarial roles, and for 10 years as a childminder.

I was always on the go — I loved to be busy. You’d find me at the beach, swimming, or barbecuing, or going for long walks.

I think it’s important to look at things positively in life, and I pride myself on being a trier — I don’t give up easily. But my illness has made maintaining this outlook tough. Emphysema can take away your independence and, I must say, I’ve found that so difficult.

I came to Ireland from South Africa in 2005. In 2010, I started feeling unwell. I couldn’t breathe properly when I was walking, and I had a series of chest infections. I assumed it was to do with my weight. My breathlessness kept getting worse, so I decided to get it checked out.

I saw my GP and they referred me straight to a respiratory specialist. I was diagnosed with severe COPD.

My dad and sister both had emphysema, but I didn’t click that severe COPD was the same thing. When I realised, I was petrified. I started getting my will in order, and making plans in case the worst were to happen. It felt like my life was over.

My breathlessness meant I couldn’t walk up the stairs easily. I couldn’t walk far at all. I used to lean over the kitchen sink to do the dishes, standing up straight was too tiring. I couldn’t do basic things like washing my hair in the shower without getting completely out of breath.

Some people found it hard to understand what I was going through. I would cancel plans because I was simply too exhausted. I think they thought I was attention seeking. That made me miserable. I guess it’s hard to understand unless you’ve been through something like it.

I stopped smoking six years ago and started trying to lose weight, hoping I’d lose enough weight to be eligible for a surgical lung reduction. But I still didn’t quite qualify.

Then I heard about Zephyr Valve treatment which sounded like a great option. Professor Karen Redmond did some tests to see if I was eligible. Fortunately, I was! I was so relieved.

Unfortunately, that was when COVID hit, and everything was put on pause. I started to worry I wouldn’t get to have the procedure, but then I got a surprise call in February 2021 and was told I could have the procedure two days later.

I was delighted! I told them, YES, anything to breathe easier, I would be there. I wasn’t letting this opportunity go.


Life After Zephyr Endobronchial Valves:

Professor Karen Redmond carried out my Zephyr Valve procedure in February 2021. I was 58. I must say, I was quite scared before the procedure, but my doctor did a great job of reassuring me.

The procedure went well. I was a bit sore after the anesthetic, so Professor Redmond told me to take it easy that day. The next day, the physiotherapist came and helped me to start walking.

I did a few laps of the hospital, and I already felt so much better. I could breathe deeply. I couldn’t believe my luck! I did lots of other exercises, like blowing the ball and the flutter test. I felt a bit tired, but the more I did the exercises, the better my breathing got.

After four days, I was able to go home. I kept up with my rehab exercises, and I kept walking.  My recovery has gone well — there are highs and lows, as is to be expected. Some days I’m still a little breathless. But overall, my breathing is so much better and I can do so much more.

I can walk further without stopping. I’m able to walk my dogs around the block with no bother! I can shower without feeling out of breath. Carrying my shopping is still a bit of a challenge, but I am confident it will come in time.

I feel like I’m on the way to regaining my independence, my dignity and my self respect. I’ve got the confidence to go out again and socialise, without feeling embarrassed about my breathlessness.

I plan to go back to work soon. Doing something for myself and earning my own money is so important to me. I want to go back into admin or secretarial work. An office job would do me nicely.

What would I say to anyone with severe emphysema who is eligible for the Zephyr Valves?

Don’t be afraid to do it!

Letitia Swardt

Results from case studies are not necessarily predictive of results in other cases. Results in other cases may vary. 

Important Safety Information: The Pulmonx Zephyr®️ Endobronchial Valves are implantable bronchial valves indicated for the bronchoscopic treatment of adult patients with hyperinflation associated with severe emphysema in regions of the lung that have little to no collateral ventilation. Complications can include but are not limited to pneumothorax (tear in the lung), worsening of COPD symptoms, hemoptysis, pneumonia, and, in rare cases, death. The Zephyr Valve is contraindicated in patients who have not quit smoking. Please talk with your physician about other contraindications, warnings, precautions, and adverse events. Only a trained physician can decide whether a particular patient is an appropriate candidate for treatment with the Zephyr Valve.
